Verse and Dimensions Wikia
Verse and Dimensions Wikia

The Zettaverse is the eighth nested level of the metric -verse series and the fifth lowest-level archverse. This -verse contains a finite or infinite

amount of exaverses, which are the seventh nested level. It is contained by the Yottaverse, which is an finite or infinite set of zettaverses.

the Zettaverse is something many people would even consider EMR (Extended Modal Realism.) Due to it's complexity. It's complexity noticeable by the density of a Zettaverse, most zettaverses have a corner shaped center( Wich has high density). There are small area's around the center with large sensity, however it's hard to calculate/predict where. The regions between the area's of density are the least dense regions of any Archverse

See Also[]

Nested Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th ... ωth (ω+1)st (ω+2)nd (ω+3)rd (ω+4)th ... (ω·2)nd ... th
Archverse Universe Multiverse Megaverse Gigaverse Teraverse Petaverse Exaverse Zettaverse Yottaverse Ronnaverse Quettaverse Vendekaverse ... Omniverse Monocosm Beyond Transcendentem Transcendentem Continuum ... Secode ... Ordverse