Verse and Dimensions Wikia
Verse and Dimensions Wikia

A verse (or -verse) is a collection of interacting objects, typically the totality of all interacting objects under some scope and that form a structure. They are usually composed by several common types of things like dimensions, usually spacial and/or temporal, inside which matter and energy can exist and which have their interactions ruled by some laws of physics. These things are called the verse components.

Verses can contain smaller verses, and they can also be contained by larger verses. Verses that contain smaller verses usually have those instead of clusters of matter but it is also possible for them to have both things inside them.

Depending on how interaction is considered, verses can be found over a large scale. Universes are the smallest, consisting only of connected patches of spacetime, and these make up Multiverses, which are all possible universes under some constraints, and so on, more generally, up to Omniverses and beyond.

See Also[]

Nested Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th ... ωth (ω+1)st (ω+2)nd (ω+3)rd (ω+4)th ... (ω·2)nd ... th
Archverse Universe Multiverse Megaverse Gigaverse Teraverse Petaverse Exaverse Zettaverse Yottaverse Ronnaverse Quettaverse Vendekaverse ... Omniverse Monocosm Beyond Transcendentem Transcendentem Continuum ... Secode ... Ordverse
Dimensionality Negative One Zero One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten ... Aleph null
Hyperbolic space

Hyperbolic plane

Hyperbolic realm

Hyperbolic flune

Hyperbolic pentrealm

Hyperbolic hexealm

Hyperbolic heptealm

Hyperbolic octealm

Hyperbolic ennealm

Hyperbolic decealm

... Hyperbolic omegealm

Euclidean space

Null polytope


Euclidean line

Euclidean plane

Euclidean realm

Euclidean flune

Euclidean pentrealm

Euclidean hexealm

Euclidean heptealm

Euclidean octealm

Euclidean ennealm

Euclidean decealm

... Euclidean omegealm


Point pair











... Omegasphere
