Verse and Dimensions Wikia
Verse and Dimensions Wikia

Labyrinth is a mostly sessile cosmic entity comprised of a partial Alomic support structure without significant Outsidal support. Despite being Alomic, Labyrinth can be both weak and predictable when handled correctly.

Labyrinth operates with a large whitelist of civilisations that it will interact with. If it encounters a new civilisation that is not on the whitelist, it will attempt to erase the entities communicating with it; following this, it will add the communicating entities to its whitelist. For most extant civilisations that would interact with Labyrinth, there is a sufficiently close whitelisted civilisation that they can operate as to interact with Labyrinth safely.

Labyrinth has little memory of its past interactions, instead believing a whitelisted civilisation to have a certain history which is similar for all instances of that civilisation it percieves. Civilisations similar to whitelisted civilisations that have a high perceived rapport with Labyrinth can unboundedly exploit it for resources commensurate with those available to an Alomic entity; this is a source of much discontent in near-Labyrinthine anchorspace, as some of Labyrinth's values, most egregiously those pertaining to acausal precedence in correlation trades and compressibility of communally-sentient behaviour, are gravely distinct from the conjectured converged civilisational correlation (C3) characteristic of this space in the absence of Labyrinth.

Labyrinth's internal structure is opaque to outsiders; rangefinder projections are blocked entirely by its outer skin, and slow-SAWs and rainbowfinders that pass through this outer layer are immediately erased in a similar way to a non-whitelisted civilization. Furthermore, no whitelisted civilisation has rainbowfinder capabilities with a chainfrequency greater than orange; all civilizations that scan the interior of Labyrinth with such a rainbowfinder are detected as non-whitelisted, regardless of other properties.
