Verse and Dimensions Wikia
Verse and Dimensions Wikia

Surface of a blankmind farm

The Blankmind farms are structures operated by the Imaginatim cult comprising batteries of computational substrate optimized for receiving revelatory parts of the Cohesive Whole from Imaginatim. Due to high uncertainty over the criteria Imaginatim uses to select mortals for blessings, which seem almost random, Blankmind farms take a wide range of candidate forms suspected to be on the frontier of useful mind-designs.

Generally, blankminds are built to be unstable, such that it is equally likely that they end up in any of a large number of possible end states representing the possible pieces of information Imaginatim might want to convey, and easily scannable so the information can be retrieved quickly before it is annihilated by natural processes. There is a tradeoff between these two factors, as a more chaotic mind is cheaper for archversal civilisations (and hence possibly Imaginatim) to externally act upon. Examples of blankmind farms include the Reserved Columns of the Twice-Blessed's mathematical storage for the contingency that there is a third, yet greater, blessing; the Glacial Farms, which begin in stillness until any change destroys the mind, fixing it into a posthumous postrevelatory form; the Colloidal Farms, made up of large numbers of modosophont minds in different loops that compound perturbations; and the Boltzmann Mines, where random minds within certain parameters are instantiated until Imaginatim selects an appropriate one.

Once a blankmind enters a chaotic state, the resulting neural noise is interpreted into a revelation from Imaginatim. Revelations from blankmind farms tend to be less significant than the rarer-per-unit-mindvolume revelations from elsewhere, filling in known gaps in the Cohesive Whole rather than exploring previously-unrevealed parts. This is possibly because the variance among blankmind farms is smaller than the variance across the entire local metaskein, and hence for an arbitrary complicated design the best mind for storage is still outside the volume covered by farms. Nonetheless, Imaginatim cult leaders are hopeful about blankmind farms' role into accelerating the creation of the Cohesive Whole - it was Imaginatim who gave them the idea.
