Verse and Dimensions Wikia
Verse and Dimensions Wikia
Verse and Dimensions Wikia

The True God is a name typically used to refer to the concept discussed in hypercosmology of an entity that has all abilities and powers, regardless of any contradictions that would occur from it holding properties that lead to any. This implies that True God can perform any possible task, any impossible task, the ability to gain the power to perform any task regardless of how possible, the ability to remove all its capabilities to perform any task, the ability to still do any task even if it had lost the ability to perform any task, and so on. The property The True God has of having all powers, regardless of contradictions, is known as “True Omnipotence” or more simply, “omnipotence” as the concept of True Omnipotence is closest to common interpretations of omnipotence. Along with "True Omnipotence" it is given The True God is an omnifictional entity, described as being able to exist in every fiction, though this probably just an extension of True Omnipotence.

The usual definition of The True God is similar to that of The Box, the object that contains everything regardless of internal properties that may result in contradictions. As implied by how they’re defined, one can be able to conclude that the Box contains The True God, The True God has the ability to contain The Box, The True God has the ability to surpass the Box and override The Box’s definition, and the Box has the ability to contain The True God anyway and override The True God’s definition. It is commonly thought that The True God is an example of a Box-equivalent structure and The True God can be viewed as The Box but interpreted as an entity.

While a common way to treat The True God as a concept, one does not necessarily have to subscribe to the idea that The True God and The Box are the same object. Treatment of The True God as a separate concept from The Box can come in the form of The Box not being an entity and The True God being one, if it is meaningful to distinguish between an entity and a non-entity at this level.

Other alternate interpretations treat the concept more similarly to a character and interpret The True God as closer to the idea of a singular ruler and creator of The Box and strictly greater than The Box. While it is true that The True God has the ability to be the singular ruler and creator of The Box and The Box contains places where it is true that The True God is the singular ruler, this treatment of the concept of The True God is not usually considered meaningful. He is the creator of the Aspect Lords.

Additional Information[]

If The True God is a beyond Box being/structure, then he may or not be the creator of The Box itself, though this is unlikely since most interpretations of him describe him as unaffecting to The Box. The True God may or may not be the creator of The Superreality, but this is far less likely than him creating The Box since he has to be beyond The Box and be overpowering author authority.

It is debated if beings with The True God's omnifictionaity across The Superreailty can overcome author authority. If authors created the fictions, then The True God is inferior, because he is limited to what the authors create. However, if the authors "discovered" fictions and started putting things inside these "empty slots", then The True God is superior, because he can reach beyond the authors.
