Verse and Dimensions Wikia
Verse and Dimensions Wikia

A Sergepoint is a basic unit that makes up concepts. Everything is made in some way, by Sergepoints connected together to form concepts.


Sergepoints connect together to form Sergeconcepts which are like lego bricks, which may not be able to connect with other bricks. For example, fundamental particles, such as quarks and gluons, are Sergeconcepts connected together into such a way, as to allow quarks and gluons to connect together, forming protons and neutrons. Logical Sergeconcepts define how truth and falsehood operate within a cosmology, where contradictory ideas connect in such a way to make everything true, turning the cosmology where these logical rules apply into conceptual soup, while mathematical Sergeconcepts define how stuff such as arithmetic, set theory, and etc. operate.

Conceptual soup[]

Most Sergepoints occur in conceptual soup. Conceptual soup is a random collection of Sergepoints connected in random ways. Conceptual soup may have some order at lower levels but higher levels seem to lack an overall coherent structure. The Box is an example of a conceptual soup, lacking overall order, despite the fact that at lower levels, objects with high levels of order, such as universes, can arise. Conceptual soup often comes about when verses undergo total reality collapse, in paraverses and staticverses, or as a natural property of the Box.


Often times, Sergeconcepts can describe concepts that aren't an intrinsic part of a verse, such as a language. These concepts are much freer than other Sergeconcepts, being able to "contradict" each other based on internal logical Sergeconcepts. These are called MetaSergeconcepts.
