A 4-Dimensional Space is a space in which each point requires a quadruplet of numbers to describe its position. Examples of 4-dimensional spaces include a space with 3 spatial dimensions and 1 dimension used to find extents in our universe, spaces required to represent quaternions or coquaternions, and 4-manifolds with special curvatures.
It is the first hyperrealm, meaning a space with 4 or more dimensions.
Types of 4-Dimensional spaces[]
Examples of 4-dimensional spaces are listed below.
A tetrasphere is a four dimensional surface with positive curvature, and the four-dimensional equivalent of a 2-dimensional sphere. It bounds a 5-dimensional space called a pentorb.
A Euclidean flune is a four-dimensional space with zero curvature. It is a flune that follows the postulates of Euclidean geometry.
A hyperbolic flune is a four-dimensional flune with negative curvature.
An infinite glomitube is a surface created from the Cartesian product of a three-dimensional glome and a Euclidean line.
A verse with four dimensions is called a fluneverse. Spatiotemporally, our universe is thought to be a fluneverse, though models of string theory made for phenomenology require more dimensions in our universe (multiverse, if you consider our universe to be the space localized on a D3 brane) to be consistent.